The big pictures
This study from September 2022 revolves around movies, the cinema and how streaming services relate to that. We asked 316 people, what kind of movies they like to watch. Titles like The lord of the rings, Star Wars, Pulp Fiction, Bad Boys and Avengers were names that were mentioned very often. One of the questions was which genres our participants like the most when they chose a movie, and comedies are the clear number one. Documentaries, Action movies and thrillers are also very popular genres. The least interesting for our participants are western movies, musicals, Superhero movies and animation movies.
We also wanted to find out how often our probands went to the cinema in the last year. The major percentage of our participants (37,3%) has not been to the cinema at all. 25% of probands were going to the movie once. 27,8% have been going several times. 4,1% of probands have been going once a month and several times respectively. 1,6% have even been going to the movies once or more than once a week.
We also asked our probands how often they think that other people are going to the cinema to watch movies. Our participants think that 7,9% were not going to the movies at all. They estimate that 20,6% of other people go to the movie once a year, and 49,1% several times a year. They think that 15,5% go to the movies once, 6,3% go more than once and 0,6% once a week or more. It shows that there is a significant difference in the behavior of our probands and how they estimate other people to behave.
Another topic of our study are streaming services: which ones do our probands use, and how often? 16,1% of participants watch movies or series daily on Netflix. People that use Netflix often also use other streaming services like Amazon Prime or Disney+. An interesting fact is that those people using Netflix go to the movies more often than those who don’t use Netflix.
To finalize our study, we wanted to find out how often streaming services are used. Netflix is the clear number one, closely followed by Amazon Prime. Various media centers and SKY are close behind. The least used streaming services are Disney+ and AppleTV.
You can find the full study here!
published: 03.10.2022