In June 2024, 307 Austrians were surveyed on behalf of the Im-Fokus report for m.core/WU Vienna. The survey focused on the behavior of Austrians in public spaces with regard to the disposal of products.
The survey looked at what people do in public spaces with plastic or glass bottles, food packaging and newspapers that they no longer need.
What do Austrians do with their used products?
The results show that the majority of respondents usually dispose of used products correctly. A significant number of respondents stated that they usually throw their products into residual waste containers. However, there is also a small proportion of respondents who throw products on the floor, which is a less common practice. Some respondents put their products next to the waste garbage can to give them to others for further use.
Interestingly, respondents’ perceptions of their own waste disposal practices often differ from their perceptions of others’ practices. Respondents believe that they themselves are more environmentally conscious than others. It is assumed that other people are more likely to throw products on the floor or dispose of them improperly.
The survey also investigated what respondents do with empty water bottles in public spaces. The majority of respondents stated that they dispose of them in garbage bins or throw them in the plastic waste. 8% of respondents said they would take the bottle with them and a further 7% would refill it.
The survey was answered by 307 participants (49.2% female, 50.5% male, 0.3% diverse), with an average age of 44.45 years (standard deviation 13.94).
You can find the full study in German here!